Time Series Analysis

All companies would like to understand in detail how their data behaves over time, but few do a good job at analyzing time series. There are various techniques for analyzing and modeling time series, but here we just want to give some basic concepts for you to understand, and leave the analysis to us: it

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We continue with our series of plain language articles, explaining Artificial Neural Networks, perhaps the most “mystical” form of machine learning, also known as deep machine learning. Artificial neural networks are something new for a large majority, but research on artificial models of the brain began at the same time as the first computers; the

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Birds of a feather…

Today we are going to talk about another form of machine learning known as unsupervised machine learning. If in supervised learning we trained the model with sample data that included the question (predictor variables) and the answer (response variable) for predictive purposes, unsupervised learning has a descriptive purpose: we do not have any response, and we want the machine

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Explain the unexplainable

The ever growing capacity of computers and their lower cost has facilitated the development of predictive systems of incredible precision, applicable in multiple fields, from finance markets to medicine. But this larger capacity, because of the higher complexity of predictive models, entails a higher difficulty to explain the results obtained or why certain conclusion has

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Lesson Learnt

In a series of articles, we will try to explain, in plain words, a series of terms which are obscure, almost hermetic, to many people, starting with supervised machine learning. The goal of supervised machine learning is to create systems that, given a set of input variables, return an output value. These systems are called

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